Most lawns need the equivalent of 1 inch of rainfall each week to retain their health and attractive appearance. This includes water from natural precipitation and any supplemental irrigation you provide. Water moves faster and deeper through sandy soils than through clay, but 1 inch of water penetrates about 4 to 6 inches deep in average soils.4 That's adequate for grass roots in most normal lawn situations. TWCA-qualified grasses require even less.
Implementing these water-wise watering practices, as part of your regular lawn maintenance routine keeps lawns healthy while cutting down on wasted water:

  • Use rain gauges or weather data to track how much weekly water nature provides, then supplement only as needed. Too much water prevents roots from getting needed oxygen and encourages many types of lawn disease.
  • Monitor how much water your sprinkler system provides; don't guess. Set up water gauges or 1-inch-deep cans (tuna cans or cat food cans work well). Measure the sprinkler water you collect in 15 minutes to determine how long it takes to supply 1 inch.
  • Water your lawn between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m., whenever possible. Early morning watering reduces loss to wind and evaporation, and allows water to soak in before sunlight heats the soil.
  • Use watering systems that stay close to the ground. Arcing sprinklers waste more water than systems with low trajectories.
  • Water ordinary grasses deeply once or twice per week, if needed. Shallow, frequent watering leads to shallow, drought-vulnerable roots. Deep, less frequent watering encourages deep roots and improves drought tolerance.
  • Distribute water evenly and slowly to prevent puddling or runoff, and avoid watering sidewalks or other paved areas. Consider intermittent sprinklers that water briefly, then allow a soak-in period before continuing.

Whatever watering regimen you choose, look to your lawn for the final word. Well-hydrated grass springs back up when stepped on. If grass stays depressed, it may need water. Curled grass blades or dull, blue-gray color are signs grasses are water stressed.
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